Permatex High Temperature Thread Sealant
Permatex High Temperature Thread Sealant
Permatex High Temperature Thread SealantPermatex High Temperature Thread Sealant
Permatex High Temperature Thread SealantOEM specified. Locks and seals threaded fittings. Resists leakage, vibration loosening, moisture, hydraulic fluids and diesel fuels. Lubricates threads for easy assembly and disassembly. Wont shred or wear like Teflon® tape. Parts may be repositioned up to 4 hours after application. Temperature range -65°F to 400°F (-54°C to 204°C). Contains PTFE.
Suggested Applications: Head bolts into through holes, oil PSI sending units and sensors, oil and coolant lines, fuel fittings, rear axle fill plug, brake, and power steering fittings
Heavy Duty
Suggested Applications: Differential drain plugs and core plugs. Pipe, water jacket, oil gallery plugs, oil pressure & temperature sensors, air conditioning fittings, hydraulic fittings, vacuum line connectiors, air brake fitting