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Product Details


Permatex High Temp Epoxy – 56g

A two part, hand kneadable, putty type industrial strength Titanium-reinforced epoxy in stick form which is used to bond and repair metallic materials that will be exposed to high temperatures. Contrasting brown and white colored materials are mixed together to form a uniform golden brown titanium color to indicate thorough mixing. After 8 hours, High Temp can be drilled, sanded, threaded, machined or painted and it is resistant to water and most solvents. Permatex® High Temp does not bond to polyethylene and polypropylene and it is not intended for structural applications.

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Permatex High Temp is a two-part, hand kneadable, putty
type industrial strength epoxy in stick form which is used to
bond and repair metallic materials that will be exposed to high
temperatures. Contrasting brown and white colored materials
are mixed together to form a uniform golden-brown titanium
color to indicate thorough mixing. After 8 hours, High
Temp can be drilled, sanded, threaded, machined or painted
and it is resistant to water and most solvents. Permatex
High Temp does not bond to polyethylene and
polypropylene, and is not for structural applications.
• Easy to use
• Bonds to most metals
• No heating required
• Sets in 1 hour
• Cures and useable in 8 hours
• Good moisture resistance
• Withstands high temperatures
• Cured material will not shrink
• Non-flammable
• Contains no solvents or VOC’s
Typical repair applications:
• Engine Blocks
• Tail Pipes
• Exhaust Manifolds
• Machinery
• Mufflers
• Many Other High Temperature Repairs
1. Before starting, make sure your work area is protected
from accidental spills. Surfaces must be clean, dry
and free of grease and oil. Note: Wear impervious
gloves when mixing or handling uncured High
2. Roughen smooth surfaces to be repaired with
sandpaper or mechanically.
3. Cut off required amount of epoxy stick and knead with
fingers to a uniform color. This should take no longer
than two minutes. Note: After mixing, High Temp
has a 1 hour work life.
4. Apply to the surface to be repaired. Force into cracks
or holes to be filled. Excess material can be removed,
before it is cured, with a tool wetted with clean water.
Note: Heating High Temp or applying to warm
surfaces will accelerate the cure.
5. On wet or damp surfaces, work material into area forcefully and hold in place until adhesion begins. Do
not use hands to hold in place as heat is given off
during cure.
6. After 1 hour, the epoxy will harden.
7. After 8 hours, the cured material can be drilled,
sanded, tapped, threaded, machined or painted.
For Cleanup
1. Cleanup must be completed before the product has
cured. Use acetone or mineral spirits for project/tool
2. Clean hands with Permatex Fast Orange hand

Permatex High Temp has a set up time of 1 hour, functionally
cures in 8 hours, and fully cures in 72 hours.
Temperature Resistance Typical Values
Continuous, F Maximum -40F to 450F
Intermittent, F Maximum -40F to 500F
Chemical / Solvent Resistance
This product retains effective properties when in contact with
water, hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, esters, halocarbons,
aqueous salt solutions, and dilute acids and bases.
This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen
and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as
an adhesive for chlorine or other strong oxidizing

Permatex High Temp Epoxy Tds
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