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Permatex Ultra Series Vinyl & Leather Repair Kit

Permatex Ultra Series Vinyl & Leather Repair Kit

A complete professional kit with plug-in electric heat iron to make pro-style repairs. Contains: professional electric heat tool, 7 color compounds, clear vinyl adhesive and filler (net .34 fl. oz.), grain pattern paper, metal spatula, plastic dashboard hardening powder.


Suggested Applications: Vinyl and leather upholstery, dashboards, vinyl tops, marine upholstery, luggage


Suggested Applications: Seat, backrest, saddle bags

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A complete professional kit with plug-in electric heat iron to make pro-style repairs. Contains: professional electric heat tool, 7 color compounds, clear vinyl adhesive and filler (net .34 fl. oz.), grain pattern paper, metal spatula, plastic dashboard hardening powder.


Always make a practice repair on vinyl sample (in kit) before making an actual repair! Note: you will need an extension cord to connect electric heat tool to electrical outlet. Read all 7 steps of instructions before using the repair kit.


PREPARE THE DAMAGED AREA. Clean the area with a strong household cleaner. Make sure area is dry before starting the repair work. Trim off frayed or excess threads with a razor blade or knife. If burn damaged, remove charred material with razor or knife.

INSERT CLOTH BACKING FABRIC. NOTE: Very small(less than 1/4 inch) cuts, burns or holes do not require a cloth backing fabric. Cut the fabric slightly larger than the damage. Use the spatula to insert it into and under the damage to provide support for the repair.

SELECT GRAIN PAPER. Enclosed are three (3) grain patterns: fine, coarse and medium. Select the grain pattern paper closest to that of your damaged vinyl. Draw an outline of the damaged area on the top side of the grain paper. This will allow you to position the heat transfer tool accurately.

FILL IN DAMAGE. Use the Clear Vinyl Adhesive andFiller and spatula to fill in damaged area to surface level.Allow 4 hours to dry. The adhesive will shrink slightly when dry, leaving a void which is then filled in with colored repair compound.

MATCHING THE COLOR. One of the seven (7) color repair containers may be close enough to the color of the damaged vinyl to make the repair. If so, use it directly from the container. If not, while the Clear Vinyl Adhesive and Filler is drying, mix and match the color of your vinyl using the color-matching chart on the back of this card asa guide. Mix the colors in small amounts with the spatula until you get the correct shade. Check the color match by rubbing a small amount of the color onto the undamaged vinyl, and then remove it with a rag.

APPLYING THE COLOR REPAIR COMPOUND. Prior to applying the color compound, determine if your repair will be for a “soft” area, like a seat, or for a “hard” area, like an interior door panel. If the repair is for a “hard” area, add approximately 20% of the included hardener material to the color matching compound. Stir this in thoroughly and apply as per the following instructions. If the repair is for a “soft”area, do not use the included hardener.Use the spatula to evenly and neatly apply the repair compound into the damaged area. Spread a thin layer on to the undamaged vinyl and feather the edges to make the surface smooth and even. Correct application of the repair compound is necessary to produce an excellent repair job.Wipe up any excess from around the hole or damage. DO NOT OVERFILL THE DAMAGED AREA. Filling the surface evenly is very important, and care should be taken to do it properly. Use less repair compound, not more. It is easy to add more later if necessary. Tape the grain paper over the uncured color compound making sure the outline is directly over the damaged area.

HEAT CURING THE REPAIR. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP OF THE REPAIR PROCESS. Plug in heat transfer tool and allow 4 minutes to warm up. This isa constant heat source. NEVER LET THIS TOOL DIRECTLY TOUCH THE VINYL! After the electric tool is heated, place the hot metal tip on the grain paper over the drawn outline of the damage. Rotate the heat tool on the grain paper outline in a circular motion for 35-45 seconds. Care must be taken not to OVERHEAT the grain paper. Heat must be applied to each and every section where the grain paper covers the repair compound. (This includes the area surrounding the outlined area.) Remove the electric tool but not the grain paper. REMOVE THE PAPER ONLY AFTER FULLY COOLED (1 to 2 minutes). If the area repaired is sticky or tacky after cooling, simply repeat step 7 above. If there are any defects or pin holes in the repair, simply fill in more colored repair compound and repeat


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